Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Poise Between Pieces.

She will cling to that thing

Called happiness, grasp it,

Take it, no matter what.

Seasons chilling and killing,

Bombs falling and exploding,

She will run through mud,

The sky on fire,

Her children sheltered

Under her embroidered cloak,

Through smoke and bullets

And choked roads,

Where brave men die.

She will run,

Her heart in her chest

Because surviving means

Being better than the rest.

While buses queue at borders,

She lays down in a hut

Patrolled by the enemy,

Fearing the prod of a rifle,

The strangled screams of others

Whose luck has run out.


She will cling to that thing

Called freedom, grasp it,

Take it, no matter what.

Her husband sends txt messages

From the front: “We kill Russians!”

And she is glad in her exile,

While the children play at war:

Plastic guns, plastic bullets.

Her nausea a symptom

Of something deeper:

Maybe pregnancy, maybe the sense

the world could end at any minute.

No such luck, is her surmise,

As we keep rolling around the sun,

Fucking, fighting

And killing each other.

Still her refugee grasp

Reaches to clasp

That fleeting moment,

That feeling so rare these days,

A singular and unabashed

Sense of self.


©Shaun Green 2023