Thursday, May 30, 2013

Vanity, Thy Name Is 'Facebook'

Would we call looking into the mirror
A form of communication? Probably not.
A mirror only reflects us as we are seen
Whereas Facebook reflects us
How we want to be seen by others:
Cool, perfect, hip, thin, fashionable -
Not a mirror at all, unless the Witch
From Snow White has gone global
With production of her particular model.
Who is the fairest of them all?
On the web, each and every one of us.
This is the lie at the heart of social media.
We are not communicating with each other
But with idealised selves, indeed,
We are not even talking,
Judged as we are by our number of "friends"
Rather, we are "spectating" - life reduced
To reality TV for those with attention spans
Measured in bits, bytes and nanoseconds.
Why 'tell' when you can 'show'?
Because if what you are showing is not real
Then you are neither showing nor telling,
Merely filling space with more static junk
To one day rain down on our heads like all
The dead satellites and spaceman food,
Frozen piss drops and orbiting turds
The detritus of decades of trying
To finally have a conversation.

© shaun patrick green 2013

A Brief History Of The Nazi Space Program

True it is probably not polite
When dating a Jewess to confess
A certain affection for Wagner
Nazi architecture and those sexy uniforms
"What did the Nazi's ever give us?"
She was wearing her grandmothers
Auschwitz ID number as a tattoo
On her forearm while her knuckles
Turned white around her freshly poured pint
How does a non-Jew answer this question?
"I'll tell you what they gave us..."
Apparently I was relieved of the burden
"They made horror into an aesthetic -
They took away our capacity to feel!"
That IS a war crime if ever there was one!"
I could have argued with that
Because it was wrong on so many levels
But I chose a different tack
"What about the Nazi Space Program?"
She looked at me, stoney faced
"Well, if it wasn't for Wernher von Braun
And his work on rocket propulsion which
Yes, produced the V2 rockets which bombed
London and took many many lives, well
We would never have made it to the moon
Let alone the outer planets, no satellites
No cell phones, no GPS, no bank transactions
No breaking news, no weather report."
Her face didn't change.
"You're fucking retarded," she said
At least I got you off my back, I thought.

© shaun patrick green 2013

There's a wheel.

There's a wheel turning inside his head
Grinding the naked bones of the dead
Turning ceaselessly through the night
Continuing on beyond breaking daylight
Always in perpetual circular motion
Like the movement of waves upon the ocean
Planets rolling around the churning sun
Or the nuclear orbit of tiny electrons
The wheel inside his head keeps spinning
His mask-like face continues grinning
While the sound is like a kind of hell
The rasping crunch of that rolling wheel
It is pure machine, devoid of conscience
Rolling tirelessly over everything precious
His faith in humanity, his will to live
His ability to love, to feel, to give
He tried to stop it with drugs and booze
Lubricated it instead and ensured he'd lose
More than the wheel would take on its own
His wife, his kids, his job, his home
Now he runs in the hope he can out pace it
Rather than the horror of having to face it
For the wheel never stops and is always there
Behind his haunted eyes, under his thinning hair

© shaun patrick green 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cyclone Revelation.

In this bent light,
Trees at right angles,
Things seem clearer,
And the wind,
Tearing off rooves,
Brings a freshness
To this reasoning;
Waves crashing over
Foreshore barriers
Make a kind of sense,
In the solid way
Sandcastles never did;
And this screaming
In the dense air
Is not tin on tarmac
But a siren song,
Calling us into
A sheltered truth,
Beneath a beaten roof,
Where we find
What makes us human
Keeps us safe
In the eye of the storm.

© shaun patrick green 2013


friday afternoon and the house is still
but for the scuttling of cockroaches
they are wary and hard to kill
perfectly adapted to survive an apocalypse
unlike us who shall burn to ash
or keel over or kill each other
despite what the psychologists tell us
we don't have the survival instinct
because in our hearts we know
life is a game for not yet dead
cockroaches on the other hand
have no such limitation of mind
being robots with their skeletons
on the outside - no room
for higher brain function
imagine that: a cockroach who could reason -
"hold on, is that a thong I see raised in anger?
now just think about what you are doing, sunshine,
yeah, alright, you with me? cos I don't want
to have to say this twice, yeah, know what I mean?
true, I am a cockroach and your first thought is:
KILL! KILL! but what are you actually killing?
have you ever stopped to ask yourself this question?
when the bomb does go off and you are all toast
it will be up to me to continue this
shitty venture called life, well, when I say 'me',
I mean my kind because frankly, sunshine,
you are here for a good time, not a long time,
whereas we cockroaches, I mean, just look at us -
long haul, know what I'm saying? not pretty
but that's just adaptation, know what I'm saying?"
even less pretty once the thong comes down
and the remains are shoveled into a bin
nothing worse than a talkative cockroach
this world is not theirs to win

© shaun patrick green 2013

succulent and true

she peers over her cacti
with a lovers eye
nothing there but holding water
unlike her prickly daughter
whose father starves them both
with his untimely wrath
restraining order not withstanding
molesting their daughter on the landing
he took a hammer to the green house
said it was unnatural
to love plants more than people
in the shards she found
the strength to love
put her daughter back together
best she could and left the rest
to shelter and desert air

© shaun patrick green 2013

a home for the lost

behind the dunes, the sand
the grass, something he couldn't see
thought he heard her call
might have been a gull
she frothing in the surf
more free than he
a year younger only
more boy than girl
a better swimmer, runner,
more popular than he could ever be
still that sound
in the back of his head
face full of grit
got to bury it, bury it
people out there to be saved
their bodies tossed by waves
and she nowhere to be seen
where could she be?
he strikes out with long strokes
finding the calm patch
where he saw her last
waves impersonal in their regularity
as if the whole ocean were a glyph
a sign for the dying
a home for the lost

 © shaun patrick green 2013

The Weighing Years.

People tell him he doesn't look his age
He quips: beer is a wonderful preservative
Knowing the latest bands and downloading
Music and movies and owning an iPod
Are "all like really cool..."
But sometimes, just sometimes
He catches himself in the mirror
And thinks: Jesus Fucking Christ -
I'm wearing Kmart flannelette shirts
Slippers and a dressing gown
Just like my long dead grandpa
Who was never cool and didn't pretend
Have I slipped out of an ironic hipness
And into a droll self-referentialism?
Am I becoming the sort of person
Who at parties and family gatherings
Would always bore me to tears?
What happened to my sense of style,
My flat abdomen, my good vision?
Is this what it means to get old -
Parts of us falling away as if we had
Some sort of temporal leprosy?
If so, then Time is a war crime
And should be tried in the Hague
Sentenced to Eternity with itself
And none of this using death as a proxy
Ultimately it is all part
Of some irrefutable process
Which none of us truly understands
We just get older, folding in on ourselves
Another night in front of the fire
With enough alcohol to assuage regret
To be young is to avoid remembering
To be old is to be unable to forget

© shaun patrick green 2013

fast track to hell

that he came from a small town was something
he trained his mind to forget so completely
he had everyone convinced he was from the city
in which he chose to live and work bi-weekly
he made decisions which may have been wrong
looking back now he thinks even more so
but he put his money down and backed his instincts
only to watch the bills pile up and he on the go slow
debt spiraling out of control like a stunt pilot in a flap
he tried to control the bleeding, plug the gaps
where had his business plan gone so wrong?
someone dared tell him in his darkest days that
he had over-estimated the intelligence of the consumer
and Henry Ford's famous mantra came to mind
so he decided to treat his customers like idiots:
ignoring their suggestions, calling them blind,
as if their ideas didn't matter and only he knew
what they truly, ultimately wanted - which was,
truly, ultimately what he was prepared to sell them
so like a shadow he fell between the desire
and the economic imperative of providing goods
at reasonable prices while still trying to make a profit
it was like being Jesus and the Devil at the same time
except that he was just a salesman with nothing to sell
a bitter, small town nobody on the fast track to hell.

© shaun patrick green 2013

Next Stop Tokyo.

Age this instant
Hold it for me
Simply a click away
To scan if I had time
But there you go
I don’t have time
To know how you feel
Hear you crying
But don't have the words
Got to move on
Next stop Tokyo
And you are expendable
Like lotus leaves
Or spring snow
Which will melt
Your tears like diamonds
Clinking in the glass
I hear them as I walk
Down rain drenched streets
Away from you
Their brittle crackle
The bitter laughter
Of my departure

© shaun patrick green 2013 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bad Things Come

He always knew this would happen
It was worse when he was drunk
Living in constant panic
Something bad always waiting
Hidden behind corners, in shadow
The unseen, damage, the unknowable
Waking to the stale piss smell
Of another morning thinking
"My god, what happened last night?"
The visceral gut-wrenching truth
Hitting him over coffee: He didn't know
That was when he got the fear
It started in the base of his spine
Slowly making him paraplegic
So that anyone might break in
And thrash him like a rag doll
But there were worse things out there
Yellow teeth filed to needle points
Finger nails shaped like talons
The fat blind ginger-haired boy
Body parts in his laundry bag
The badness crowded him in
Like a kids birthday party at McDonalds
And the clowns, Oh the clowns
Everywhere leering laughing clowns
like human totems to terror
That was why he quit the drink
Went cold turkey, shivering, hallucinating
Looked horror in its black shiny mouth
Now things were meant to be better
But the past had stuck to him
Like shit to a pure wool blanket
Good things come to those who wait
Bad things come to those who try to escape

© shaun patrick green 2013