Friday, January 29, 2016

The City of Shirtless Men.

You don't understand
Said the shirt-wearing man
I am not like them,
Those shirtless men
With their brown chests
And saggy man breasts
Striding down the street
With thongs on their feet
Shorts a nod to modesty
But other than that honestly
I am not like them
Those shirtless men
Heading nowhere purposefully
Without the courtesy
Of covering up
A bouncing gut
They stand and stare
Gesticulating in pairs
Swatting flies
Averting eyes
It'd drive you to drink
If you stopped to think
What the women with their hats on
Feel about men without compassion
Flaunting their dominion
Offering their opinion
On politics or the weather
Leaning together
As if the sun
Had already won
So you see what I am
That I'm not like them
Said the shirt-wearing man
In the city of shirtless men

© shaun patrick green 2016