Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tennant Creek Drive -In

Help me somebody
The walls are closing in
And sharks are biting my shins
Because of the Tennant Creek Drive-In
You remember, when we got in for free
Because dad was a Apex Club member
And it was his job to run the projectors
Carbon rods burning white hot
While the town scowled in the dark
We saw such terrible and wonderful things
In the back of our Holden station wagon
Where we were meant to fall asleep
But we didn't
The best and worst of 70's
Exploitation Cinema
Was our dreamscape
While our mum waited for the gig to end
As she had done ever since her 19th year
We saw, while peaking over back seats,
Wild animals ripping people to shreds
People being shot, disemboweled, decapitated,
Blown up, stabbed, invaded by parasites
Maybe a 5 year-old shouldn't be seeing this?
I asked my mum, years later, once my daughter was born
Her advice on raising children.
She said: You pretty much raised yourselves
Did we?
Maybe I should write a how-to book
That takes a long hard look
At how to raise kids free of nightmares
Page one would probably begin:
Don't take your 5 year-old
To the Tennant Creek Drive-In.

© shaun patrick green 2018