Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Snapshot KL.

We saw the rain coming
Brooding over us like a dowager
Little India seemed suddenly small
Under the umbrella of a tropical downpour
Fumes of cardamom and incense
Mingling with Asian insouciance
Amid the architecture of an uneasy truce

We found a back street restaurant
Changed our daughter’s diaper
On a rain soaked toilet seat
Then sat down exhausted, ready to eat
Mutton Rogan Josh, Garlic Naan, Palak Paneer
Waiters loitering, wraith-like, always near
While outside rain reduced all to rubble

Every aspiration this city ever had
Will be eaten away by the climate
For not even Malaysia can sustain
A Western capitalist ideal
In an Eastern tropical garden
Without sacrificing its soul
To a ravenous and unforgiving God

It shows in people’s faces
The look of having lost a fight before it begins
A fight they neither chose nor are interested in
Take KLIA, more shopping centre than airport
A huge festering fungal growth
Where the Roti Chanai is ironic
And buying a beer is like pulling teeth

There is a brutal postmodernity here
Chrome steel and concrete aspirations
Sunk in a mosquito infested swamp
Nevertheless swept and kept religiously clean
Leaving us to ponder the question:
What does a spotless bathroom
With no shelves mean?

© shaun patrick green 2014

Le Bourdil Blanc

The silver leaves of a birch
Flash in the wind like shoals of fish
Horses free of the day’s riders
Graze lazily toward evening
Cows lounge in a nearby field
Shaded by century old trees
Overhead, 30,000 feet up
Jets weave their vaporous web
Le Bourdil Blanc bears witness
Percolating its history at sunset
Footsteps clapping on wood floors
Glasses being filled on the terrace
Dogs nestled under the table
As stories of days in the saddle
Are swapped in varied accents
While Bernadette toils in the kitchen
To spoil us with another splendid dinner
This house holds us at its leisure
Lichen mottling its stairs and walls
Stone, wood and iron all
Indifferent to our laws, wars, nations
Our desires for a life
Lived gently and with more patience

© shaun patrick green 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Suckered In

It happens at birth
You pop out gendered
Marketed Pink or Blue
You are already a demographic
And your parents purchasing power
Will determine the extent
To which you can afford
To keep your baby “natural”
You know, free from those chemicals
That we know cause cancer
And the government has you
Hours spent in Centrelink
Registering a baby for
Vaccines, Child Care, the Flu
Taking up the slack
From daytime TV
The Blitzmeister, the Abmeister
The French Wazoo
Just turn it off
Give our kids imagination
They will create a better world
Than this batshit abomination

© shaun patrick green 2014

Life Before Children

My wife sleeps on the couch exhausted
I find nappies and wash again and again
Our baby girl grows, changes, interacts
Despite what her mother went through
The cancer, the infection
Our bundle of joy seems blessed
But what of us?
We have been hiding pain so long
It seeps out like pus
Especially when we drink with friends
Smiling and sporting offspring
Poo Pooing life before children
(Only because it didn't nearly kill them)
Us too aware of the nearness of the edge
Tired of everything
Yet acting excited
As if for the cameras
Click! Click!
If it had come to a choice
Between my wife's life or our daughter's
Would we have had the strength?
Our child is not
A future monarch
Of some Danish fiefdom
Just a consequence of her hope, my lust
Perhaps that will be enough

© shaun patrick green 2014

This Night.

Does this night scare you?
It ought too
Not that it is any different
From any other night
Same fears, same foes
But you are older
Weaker, less resilient
Like an envelope
Unable to contain the letter
It is a long letter
Heartfelt and well written
To a god you don’t believe in
Asking for mercy
You know will not arrive
And the tears you cry
Do they become you?
Or do they paint you the fool?
You the partner, the survivor
There are people in the world
Who don’t have enough to eat
What makes you special
As you cry in the dark?
This night scares everyone
Sinner and saint alike
For tomorrow brings a fresh hell
And each sunrise a new fight

© shaun patrick green 2014