Friday, June 29, 2012

Colonial Song.

We’re failing in the heat
Like the first fleet making land
And having to contend with
Tropical torpor
What a burden
And yet we shoulder it each year
Like the dutiful sons of empire
How rich their bounty must have been
To subject us to this torture
Or perhaps it was specially devised
For those of us
Less used to colonial methods
Whereby the blimey is bled out of us
Through sun and dust
And giving the natives blankets
Or beads to blind their disgust
A fine legacy this
The unpreparedness of a conqueror
The dissimilation of a nation
The abnegation of trust

© shaun patrick green 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012


He crept out of the ground like a thief
Dirt under his fingernails, in his hair
Her name carved on his heart with a nail
The woman who had betrayed him, Abigail

Stood in the moonlight, breathing deep
Brushing himself off, spitting black dust
Back from the dead to tell the sad tale
Of how he would murder sweet Abigail

She had bought poison from a procurer
Dosed him twice daily to be sure of demise
But he proved stronger than her potent tale
Surviving the dire love of murderous Abigail

He crawls into her mobile home and sits
Watching her sleep sound as dogs in the night
Willing himself to end the tortured tale
Of the woman betrothed to him named Abigail

She stirs and spies his forlorn spirit
Sitting alone and vengeful in the dark
"You're here to kill me." Got it nailed
The sweet ignorance and bliss of being Abigail

He puts two bullets in her brain
Then climbs back down into his pit
Regretting the day he ever wassailed
The nothingness of sweet sweet Abigail

© shaun patrick green 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012


He would miss certain things
The old place did have its charms
Rising damp along the passage
Low ceilings, leaking toilet
But it was real, solid and warm
With a lived-in feel you only get
From old houses with vague histories
The landlady's son had told a story
About how they used to run a sly
Betting shop out the back in the 20s
His grandmother as a young wife
Standing watch out front
Ready to give the signal
If the coppers appeared
When they did there was whistle tooting
And running up and down back alleys
Through the streets of Collingwood
He wraps plates and cups in paper
Considering the fragility
Of ordinary everyday things
How something is lost every time
We move from one place to another
Funny how you don't realise
The amount of 'stuff' you own
Until you have to pack it in boxes

© shaun patrick green 2012

heart of a nation

he looked in her mouth for teeth
but found only broken bones
battered wives, dreams of children
in her eyes he saw profound grief
secret arms deals, catholic guilt
many centuries of corruption
perhaps she could be fixed, he thought
and sent her to expensive doctors
filling their every prescription
but the drugs didn't work, never do
her hair a mess of secret deals, bribes
dreams of mass destruction
he felt himself begin to change too
his cheeks swamp-like, mushy to touch
soggy with political affiliations
his legs brittle as ethnic cleansing
back spasming with corporate greed
and ineffectual administrations
ears clogged by nationalist fervor
bowels stopped up by disillusionment
scalp itchy with frustration
doctors unable to define their condition
the common 'malaise', highly contagious
a sickness at the heart of a nation

© shaun patrick green 2012