Sunday, August 26, 2018

I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours.

Her name was Kim and her skin was bad
Like mine, eczema, though worse, somehow
On a girl, as if that rhyme about what
Little girls and boys are made of had failed her:
She was not sugar and spice and all things nice.
We, as a collective of 8 year olds,
Had cast her out as defective, and yet,
I had feelings for her.
I knew what it was like to have that itch.
To draw blood with my fingernails,
To wear those dry patches, lizard skin, scales,
To daub myself with steroid creams
That would sting so much they made me scream
But my complaint was mostly hidden
Hers was on her face
For one so marked
School can be an ugly place
There was one recess when we were playing chasey
And she had cornered me in the boys' toilets
I had always thought she liked me
So amid the shit stained, piss-stinking walls
I uttered those words:
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
She nodded, feverish from the chase
Panting with expectation
So I undid my pants and pulled it out
She immediately screamed and ran
And told everybody in the quadrangle
That I had shown her my thingy
I scrambled out after her, shouting
"No I didn't, no I didn't!"
And because I was the one not visibly disfigured
Because I was a boy, because my family were nice,
Because my lunchbox was always interesting,
Because I was smart, because I wasn't poor,
They all believed me over her.

© Shaun Patrick Green 2018


Do I hold you gently
And pretend we can be friendly?
After what we have seen
Neither of us gets off lightly.
Your coughing,
My snoring
Your constant texting
My constant cursing
Your genius for mess
My almost OCD need
For order and cleanliness
Your love of reality TV
My disdain for oxymorons
Your pride in Hungarian heritage
My indifference to where I come from
Your love of your vocation
My need for music and art
Your skill with needle and thread
Transcending what you call "craft"
Politics makes you yawn
I need to know each minister's name
You roll your eyes at election time
I enjoy the tactics of the game
I never wanted children
You wanted someone to teach
So we fought your cancer
To obtain a daughter
Who is beyond both our reach
You take the mornings
Feuding over being fed
I take the evenings
Bath time, teeth cleaning and bed
You try to teach her concepts
I make her laugh with rhymes
Imagination is about
Making up stupid stuff
Not learning Gray's Anatomy
She's 4 years old
Let her discover
Her own knowledge trajectory
But you disrupt the feedback loop
Of our personal dialectic
Forcing me to focus on what matters
Placating my internal skeptic
I could laugh and spoil her all day
But your head remains cool
You don't want an entitled brat
And remind me that she is in preschool
That children are here to learn
To hopefully make the world a better place
Than the festering toilet we have left them
Our legacy, our disgrace,
And like generations before us
She shall grow to fill our lack,
Plug the gaps in our understanding,
We hope, and bring our planet back.

© Shaun Patrick Green 2018