Thursday, November 11, 2021


She dreams in circles

Night drivers coursing through

The roundabout outside her house

Tyres sucking tarmac

In a centrifugal hum

Somehow out of phase

With the whirring fan above

Endings create beginnings

Like stars, marriages, love

She boils a brew

Milk and sugar stirred in whirlpools

Watching the dog chase its tail

Kids running rings

Maybe there is form in that

The ever tightening concentric

Regularity of repetition

The infinite circularity of the thing

She works shifts

Walking amongst the almost dead

Changing sheets, holding hands

Hearing their memories

As time folds in on them

Like a self-seal envelope

The past emerging in spasms

Then spinning out of reach in gyres

“Yes, I remember…” becomes “Who are you…?”

I am your son, your daughter, your wife

Completing some cycle

Where we all return to the source

Ending as we became

Incontinent and inchoate

Parked in a bed not our own

In an unremarkable suburb

Our needs tended to by strangers

Who seem vaguely familiar

She watches the news

Sipping white wine 

Appreciating a bird’s eye view

Of a cyclone spiraling off the coast

A series of circles come to reclaim us

Churn us into sea and dust

Above her the fan whirls

And ancient truths unfurl

Like spider web spirals

Portents of a calm 

That will come to us all

After the storm


© shaun patrick green 2021





Planet "B'

“In my opinion," he said,

"We should never have gone to the moon.”

I had to agree.

The idea that we could leave this planet

Somehow meant we could give up

On its maintenance.

It meant we could still dig big holes,

Pollute the earth and the oceans,

Bury all our contaminated waste,

Toxify this planet absolutely,

This jewel which gave us life,

And have billionaires

Fund jaunts to the next rock from the sun

Because we have so poisoned 

This blue planet

That we need to move to a red one,

Where there is no atmosphere,

Where there are no trees, rivers or seas.

I had to admit, he had a point.

The ability to travel between planets

Has allowed us to set a use-by date,

Much earlier and more convenient,

For this one.



© shaun patrick green 2021