Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cunning Right Hand.

Cunning Right Hand.

For there they that carried us away captive
required of us a song;
and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying,
Sing us one of the songs of Tzion.
How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
let my right hand forget her cunning.
                              Book of Psalms

But your right hand never forgot its cunning
Lobbing bombs into UN sanctioned safe zones
You are losing the war you think you are winning
Hamas rockets still threaten your homes
They tunnel beneath your dwellings
Can you tell the fighters from civilians?
How can you tally the bodies of children?
Is this a Jewish blitzkrieg?
(How ironic)
And why do they fight?
For the same thing you did.
Remember the bombing of The King David Hotel?
Zionists are not above using terrorism
To achieve their ends
So why begrudge the Palestinians theirs?
Israel is an idea, a panacea
A placation to a broken, wandering people
Granted by the UN, secured by terrorism
To the disenfranchisement of Palestinians
You have the right to defend your land
But not at the expense of other peoples right
To call that land HOME
Stop all development in disputed territories NOW
Establish an independent Palestinian territory NOW
Trading on European holocaust guilt
Will only get you so far
After that, you’re on your own.

© shaun patrick green 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


She says patience is a virtue
So I wait through the curfew
A wilting plant on her verandah
She says she needs space
Keeping me in my place
I can’t begin to understand her
Pacing like a stray cat
I lurk outside her flat
Waiting for a light to be turned on
But she leaves me guessing
Apologetic and confessing
Like a moth flying toward the sun

© shaun patrick green 2014

Monday, July 14, 2014

Vanishing Woman.

A stain in linen slowly dissolved
A tear washed away in rain
Mote of dust seductively swirling
Line drawn between pleasure and pain

Day transforming into night
A line drawn in the sand
A funky bar built of ice
You keep slipping through my hands

Like waves upon the ocean
I see you here, feel you there
You ebb and flow, stop and go
Then you completely disappear

You become more eternally feminine
Vanishing for longer each day
Yet somehow it perturbs me not
That you may eventually fade away

© shaun patrick green 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Budget Balancing Act (or How I Shifted from a Leaner to a Lifter)

Joe Hockey tells us
With great authority
And a certain amount of regret
That apparently some of us “lean”
As opposed to the “lifters”
Now most of us are quite familiar
With the idea of Archimedes' Fulcrum
(at least those of us who were
educated under that sweet system
of state funded schools where science
was taught by people who are passionate
about it and not trying to cosy paying
Students through to a certification
That allows them to be just as dumb
And antisocial at University as they were
At High School and eventually seek
A career in politics because they are
Bored and shit at everything else...)
Back to Archimedes' Fulcrum
The idea that with a big enough
Lever you could lift the world
Provided you had a solid ground
Thus the conundrum
What holds the world up?
Given the shortage of tortoises
It would seem
To the untrained
And unpolitical eye
That holding the world up
And having a base to press against
Are the poor, disenfranchised, the weak
The homeless, the drug addicted
The disabled, the unemployed
We are your fulcrum
Your balancing act
We know that “Lifting” And “Leaning”
Are the same thing
Given the laws of thermodynamics
But like Galileo
It is against our religion to admit it

© shaun patrick green 2014

Crab Fishing.

He met us by the jetty
8am sharpish
Skidding into the bollards
In a 4 seat 18 ft tinny
Helped my mother
And heavily pregnant wife
Onto the boat with alacrity
He promised us crabs
Maybe a Barra
Tides willing
Given their scarcity
We skipped over the chop
To West Arm
8 traps were laid
Ropes over mangroves for security
An hour later
We checked our traps
Only to discover the pots empty
Biding time we cruised
To an estuary
Where rods were cast inexpertly
Despite our lack of skill
My wife went in for the kill
And hooked a 68cm Barra
Almost instantly
Hoping reeling in 7 pounds
Would help her push out 7 pounds
Fishing unfortunately
Doesn’t work that way

© shaun patrick green 2014

Language is the Teacher.

At what point does the blank page
Become your mortal enemy –
Where the space between words
Screams louder than words themselves?

The same point as when your
Bottle is finally empty
You’re drinking lighter fluid
And watching the wallpaper dissolve

Nothing glamorous about writers block
Though it’s always soaked in booze
As if alcohol were the cure and answer
That curious yet coquettish dancer
Too much too soon you snooze you lose
Another morning with a tongue like a sock

Or a prematurely blunted pen
For are we not meant to tell and tell again?

The bards of old through songs were told
Great loves, marriages and battles
Now words are written with print we are smitten
We no longer sing, we prattle

Vital to the life of any language
Is hearing it openly spoken
It’s rhythm, cadence, timbre
Guttenberg did us a disservice

If the blank or printed page offend you
Speak your heart out loud
Sing as if your soul were a cathedral
Language is the teacher, we are the novice

© shaun patrick green 2014