Sunday, October 1, 2017

If I Fail You.

If I fail you
It is because I couldn't be
A better man
If I fail you
It is because I didn't have
A better health plan
If I fail you
It is because I couldn't see
A brighter future
If I fail you
It is because I couldn't afford
My daughter's tutor
If I fail you
It is because our triple digit income
Can't fill the pantry
If I fail you
It is because my ammunition belt
Is empty
If I fail you
It is because our crops are dying
While others have plenty
If I fail you
It is because disease
Depletes me
If I fail you
It is because systems have corrupted
Me discretely
If I fail you
It is because the detonator
On my jacket misfired
If I fail you
It is because I am strung out and
Totally wired
If I fail you
It is because my will
Is leached by advertising
If I fail you
It is because my dreams
Have undergone downsizing
If I fail you
It is because the politicians
Have bought me
If I fail you
It is because the Left Wing
Has deserted me
If I fail you
It is because the Right
Is tearing itself apart
If I fail you
It is because I have a condition
Of the heart
If I fail you
It is because God does not exist
There is no redemption
If I fail you
It is because God does exist
There is still no redemption
If I fail you
Don't be surprised; help is on its way
I'm human, only human
Failure is written in my DNA

© shaun patrick green 2017