Friday, October 4, 2019

The Flower-Flop Interregnum.

Am I sick of the drama?
Do I want to dive back in?
The in-again, out-again
Can I see an opening?
You closed me up well enough
Sutured the wound against fester
Applied enough disinfectant
To let me know how much I wouldn't miss you
But the delusion lingers:
Do I still have love to give?
I guess it never ends,
While there's still a life to live
The fear lies in starting over,
Laying one's heart on the line
When it's so freshly broken
Chopped and steeped in brine
How do you give when you have nothing
How do you bring something to the table?
When the faith you put in life is gone?
You are willing but unable?
Hope seems a joke word
Charity far from the door
Strangers may look in
But they will be ignored
Can you start a heart up
That has been falsely stopped?
I guess its in the chest
Of the guest who knows best
As to whether love has flowered or flopped

© shaun patrick green 2019

the price of love

met you in a dive bar
should have known the odds
dealing with fucking junkies
not with living gods
why am I drawn to tragedy?
I ask myself that question
looking into the mirror
seeking someone else's reflection
love is never a guarantee
against unending sorrow
take a chance, have a dance
we'll be dead by tomorrow
warming earth, dying sea
take my hand in this dark hour
a world for you, a world for me
if only we had the power
i live to take it
you take it to live
money is the difference
and no one's willing to give
i hate conformity
you conform to hate
lick your lips, covet me
there's nothing left to save
on a dying earth, a flaming sea
we'll be a power couple
i know you'll bend to the cause
because you're so damn supple
you fuck me like a champion
suck cock like its meth
only thing between you and freedom
will be your untimely death
if I'd found you in a dumpster
I'd throw you right back in
but i didn't and i need you
so let the pain begin

(c) shaun patrick green 2019

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cup-Runneth-Over Kind Of Guy.

Give me a moment while I struggle
With my first-world troubles:
I'm not fit for consumption
Have lost the means of production
Been shot into space
Where I disintegrate and orbit
With the rest of the junk
Lost the funk, never found the soul
Been wrapped in plastic and buried in a hole
Where I'll take a thousand years to breakdown
So get me out of this town
Give me clean country air to pollute
Land rights to dispute
Holes to dig, minerals to spruke
Forests to cut down and burn
Its about the cash at every turn
You heard me: I am the left and the right
And everything in between
Nobody knows the horrors I've seen
I've punched, stabbed, kicked, shot,
White-anted colleagues, lost the plot
Losing my hair, growing fat,
A killer with the mind of a bureaucrat
I salute the flag when it suits me
Dismembered more bodies than I care to remember
I find women and immigrants so hard to please
I just keep them locked up or on their knees
The poor - even worse, so I see they remain poor
And call it "aspirational", only it's the reverse
Because, at the end of the day, its all about
Protecting my salary, my gratuity,
My bonus, my pension, my annuity
I'm a white man out of time
Committing white collar crime
Its open season on reason
And I'm taking back what's mine
Forget your glass-half-full
I'm a cup-runneth-over kind of guy
And this is my fifteen minutes
I'm not looking for forgiveness
This... this is my time to shine

© shaun patrick green 2019

Saturday, June 29, 2019


(for Zoe Eszter Green)

There was never any thought of you
No idea of what I was getting into
But to save a marriage I went against
My instincts and followed through
It was twelve weeks in when your mother
Was diagnosed with breast cancer
We had to wait until the second
Trimester for her to undergo surgery
You lay safe in her tummy
Unaware of the emergency
Then she went back to work too soon
And caught a multi-resistant bug
That put her in a coma
And defied antibacterial drugs
It was touch and go
A doctor confiding to me
That if not for the Gentamicin shot
She would be dead
Your mother decided not to go back
To work which was wise
But when she went into labour
Came the third surprise
An emergency C section
To save both your lives
You were pulled gruel grey
And wet and clearly unhappy
Like a puppet above the gauze
But as soon as you touched mum's chest
You sought what boob was left
And I was amazed at all the suicides
Because life finds a way
It is encoded in our DNA
Just as being a dad
Must have been jolted within me
While your mum tried to bleed out on the table
I was ushered into a room
You wrapped in a blanket
And I sang to you for two hours
Waiting to hear the news
Until your mother was wheeled in, alive
Barely, and you reconnect to the boob
I sat by, watching the bonding as
The nurse stood by, busy but charitable
We took you home, the caring begun
Each day a joy of life tightly won
We shut ourselves off from change
But like death and taxes, it is inevitable.

© shaun patrick green 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Don't Rip Out My Breast And Leave My Arse Behind.

(for Anthony Bourdain R.I.P.)

You dress in camouflage
As a good predator should
And stalk me with keen senses
Just as the crocodile would
But when I feel you are near
And flap into the sheltering sky
You take your best shot
I might fall, I might fly
But if I fall and your mutt
Retrieves, a game he doesn't mind
Don't rip out my breast
And leave my arse behind
Like the pig and the kangaroo
You can hunt us for sport or food
But if you take an animals life
You should then take every part
With your knife
Not just the sweet meats
The fillets and cheeks
But the bones and sinews
The arseholes, the beaks
Use the whole of us
Or else you are wasting our lives
Leaving giblets for scavengers
Who are not here for revenge
Simply to live like you or I
Even if their stomachs
Have less discerning eyes

© shaun patrick green 2019

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Living The Dream.

Fifteen and on the basketball team
We made the finals and the weakest guy
Got subbed on before me because our Coach
Who had trained us all year
Didn't notice me sitting kitted up
Thought I was a fan or family
So we lost, victory within reach
Why should the memory of my defeats
Overshadow my victories
Depriving me of sleep needed
To rebuild these corpuscles
Facing each day more depleted
The clogging of arteries
Cramping of muscles
All signalling an ineluctable decay
Why should dreams be suffocated
By a murderous mediocrity
A meanness of spirit
So that we all face this same disarray?
Addled in our thirties
Disconsolate in our forties
In our fifties just ready to fade away?
We had dreams once, didn't we?
So where have they fled to now?
To the political backwaters of our minds
To the impossibility of how
I see the orange shirt of hypocrisy
And wonder why this country sold its soul
For fat fools in the senate
And extremist morons in control.

© shaun patrick green 2019

Staying On Message.

Save the Beach
For whom?
Save the Forest
For whom?
Save the Whale
For whom?
Save the Reef
For whom?
Save the Natives
For whom?
Save the Panda
For whom?
Save the Tiger
For whom?
Save Paradise
For whom?

If you're poorer than poor then not for you
If you got no job and can't afford food
Then biodiversity is a theory for dudes
Always white, middle class, not meaning to be rude
But they have the privilege to choose
To put morals before mouths, right before true
While developing nations are considered crude
For allowing their masses, whose labour we use
To aspire to the simple things all westerners do
If we leave them behind, it is a day we will rue
For Africa and Asia have millions to imbue
With a stake in equity, control over what's new

Stay on Message
Australia is the Greatest Country in the World!
Stay on Message
Australia is the Greatest Country in the World!
Stay on Message
Australia is the Greatest Country in the World!
Stay on Message
How good is Australia?
Australia is the Greatest Country in the World!

© shaun patrick green 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019

I Met A Man With A War Inside.

I met a man with a war inside
He opened his chest, ten miles wide
A void where his heart used to reside
I met a man with a war inside

I met a man with a war inside
Didn't ask for help, he drank and he lied
His wife now gone, his children hide
I met a man with a war inside

I met a man with a war inside
Every deal a sabotage, every meal a bribe
Suspecting the enemies might be on his side
I met a man with a war inside

I met a man with a war inside
Couldn't put a name to his pain or describe
The mortal horrors that within us abide
I met a man with a war inside

I met a man with a war inside
Lost his pole star, his only guide
Deserted in the desert, brain completely fried
I met a man with a war inside.

I met a man with a war inside
Thrashing against the rising tide
Didn't want others to think he'd never tried
Said he never met a man without a war inside

© shaun patrick green 2019

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Another Lullaby.

(for Zoe Eszter Green)

There will be a time to cry.
It is not now, child,
It is not now.
There will be a time to hide.
It is not now, child,
It is not now.
There will be a time to be afraid.
It is not now, child,
It is not now.
There will be a time for deals made.
It is not now, child,
It is not now.
There will be a time when justice is done.
It is not now, child,
It is not now.
There will be a time when battles are won.
It is not now, child,
It is not now.

Now is the time for dreams
Of a world that is fair and good,
Where everyone gets what they need,
Where everyone does what they should.
So may this night protect you,
Keep you safe from harm.
Take this kiss upon your brow,
This warmth from my arms.
Close your eyes and sleep in peace
For I will chase the monsters away
So that you may yawn and wake
To another sun-bright day.

© shaun patrick green 2019

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Rum Jungle

We stared at the Gamba Grass,
A wall of imported infestation,
And dreamed what this place could be
With time and hard work -
A locus of loss
Transformed into gain.
Our daughter revels in the space,
Hardly knowing which stick to whack
Or which anthill to dismantle
With her enthusiasm.
We pat ourselves on the back
For getting her outdoors,
Away from smartphones, iPads and TV,
Jumping on her trampoline
In the shade of an African Mahogany
Where the red dirt cools
And shifts to grey.

There were warnings:
First, a Kingfisher skewered
On the barbed wire fence,
Still breathing, beak moving,
Opening and closing slowly
Like a rusty hinge;
Then the apocryphal tale
Of how this place derived its name -
Bullock train drivers
Stranded on their northward trek,
Wet season trapping them
In cages of Pandanus,
They consumed their entire consignment of rum.
I imagine them half insane from drink,
Humidity and insects, lying prone
Inside sodden canvas tents
Turned crimson by sunset.

In the evenings
A breeze picks up drying sweat,
Flocks of parrots flit busily
Seeking secure perches,
Fruit bats flap languidly,
Eucalypts curve anthropomorphic,
Tinged pink by a reddening sky
As we sip G 'n' Ts on the deck,
Contemplating dinner,
Hearing no car horns
Or telephone rings.
Night drops like a wet tarp
Spangled with shards of glass.
This place cares not for us.
Tomorrow the wallabies might visit,
Keeping low in the morning mist,
Silent and watchful as they graze.

© shaun patrick green 2019

Saturday, March 2, 2019


If I don't offer you comfort
It is because my mind has gone
Packed up and left in the
Middle of the night
No forwarding address
So I cope on a day-to-day basis
Not bad for a man in stasis
But I'm not entirely sure of who I am

I weed the garden
Cook dinner
Listen to my wife complain about work
And wonder to myself:
Where is this?
How did I get here?
What do I do now?

Apparently, lawns are mowed
Sunday mornings
Pools are cleaned
BBQs scraped
Gas bottle filled
The leaf blower is given a workout
And when the noise stops
Only a breeze moving leaves
You sink back into the aircon
And wonder what
All the fuss was about

You sleep tight
Alcohol assisted
And if it rained last night
You definitely missed it
Then you wake
Check the calendar
See another day has passed
Each day following each day
More teleological than the last
Until time stops

Wouldn't that be a grand thing?
No more lawnmowers
Or leaf blowers
Only the cold mineral glint
Of stars slowly dying
The notion of peace at last
In a universe reduced to dust

If one day my mind chooses to return
I don't quite know what I would say
"Welcome back," or "I missed you,"
Or "Did you forget your wallet?"
Or "How was your day, honey?"
None of these are funny
But they express the banality
Of a homecoming finally
Where ones best friend and companion
Has been away.

© shaun patrick green 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019

in the bending river.

in the bending river I see her
head lowered
so mother could wash her hair
from a cold bucket
tin shed for shade
out on the boat from England
to a red paradise
she would hide
in the long grass
tricking her sister
ants biting like a shot
in scant places to hide
running pink skinned and semi-clad
between the workers huts
where the blokes ate bully beef
sipping ale till morn
then standing up to labour
crack of dawn
she rising with a big sun
golden fingers in her hair
promise of grand things
river bending beneath them
a curve in the land 
beyond understanding
she digs between the weeds
hoping to find wonder
but the river does not lie
flowing ever onward
to bend upon bend
meeting a man in a band
dancing hand in hand
then horizontal 
in the back of his car
bending over to come so far
marriage a shotgun conclusion
then having children of her own
a bending river teaching her
how to dip and sway
through the midway
where dreams die and we grow
accustomed to comfort
until death is done with this
and we meet our end
bending again to some winding river 
so that she knows where it all began

© shaun patrick green 2019