Thursday, July 28, 2011

Atrocity Machine

The mechanism is fully oiled
Gears, cogs and belts are primed
For the processing of those
Deemed unworthy, those declined
Keep them offshore
With a modicum of civility
See their basic needs are met
In state-of-the-art facilities
We have regulations and rules
That need always to be observed
Failure in this would mean chaos
Or freedom... no that's absurd
Men in suits behind desks
Must ensure the stability
Of the state at all costs
Regulating punishment of the guilty
And where remuneration is sufficient
Seeing to the needs of those
Whose guilt is questionable
Throw a few more dollars our way
Your application lands on the right table
You see Ministers come and go
But bureaucrats stick like flies to shit
Unelected and systematised
We love this infernal edifice for what it is
You the public should have known better
Willingly trading humanity for security
In your spurious quest for a just world
You blocked the last artery of democracy
Like scared and scattered mice
Your ingenuousness cost you twice
Once in the belief things would change
Twice in that they would stay the same
So look upon your legacy, which pays us well
It grinds innocent human beings into cement
They come running from war, death and famine
To face the atrocity machine of government

© shaun patrick green 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Black and Folding.

Auntie passed as was expected
The cancer had done its work
Skin barely covered her skeleton
No last words were heard
And what would she have said?
What speech can equal
That moment where our life ends?
To say we were people
And made judgments wise or ill
Doesn't begin to grace the monumentality
Of our effect upon history
Stirring those deep waters that run still
That was our being
A tiny ripple on the surface of time
A ripple cancelled out by other ripples
Wave interference the crime
Even in death life gets away
Slipping under our radar
Of attempted definition
So that we languish on a par
With our ancestor apes
Dumb to the wherefore and why
We gather in like umbrellas
Black and folding we cry.

© shaun patrick green 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Pandora’s Love Child.

Last out of the box
But first to be crushed
We give it life with every breath
And even in death it lives
Not quite vanquished
But quieter/cast-out/unwashed
It haunts us like a wraith
Not knowing a home
Willing us to give it a name
So that it might speak
And let us know we are
Watched by more than chance
Or the whim of vengeful gods
It is whispered
In the darkest places
Like a spell
And to tell is a curse
Worse than imagining
Yet we hold on
Riding the swell
Until the streets fill again
With young people running
Like thieves
Who have shoplifted love.

© shaun patrick green 2011

White Tank Hill

Heat beamed its wave
But we pushed on
Our bikes part of us
The hill conquerable
Its crest in clear view
Once at the top we knew
Cool seasons would flow
The trickle down effect
Of childish effort
But perspective
Is a trick of light
We reached the hilltop
Dusty, thirsty
Wary of the white tanks
Hulking like sentinels
On the rim of the town below
Their precious water within
A menacing reminder
Of our slim hold on survival
We traced their perimeter
Striking blistered metal skin
Hearing the solid tone
Of necessity
Bold and bulging
Knowing then
There was nowhere to go but down
Out from the shadow of the tanks
Reigning over a desert town

© shaun patrick green 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

the tail of the whale

in the flailing gale she heard her name called
and followed that calling to the rolling sail
not used to maids amid ships the crew were appalled
but soon made peace with the captain as well
he was a bachelor born of Hobart sound
saw in the flailing girl his daughter long dead
did not think about the effect on the crew in the round
as men do when their hearts rule their heads
they put out to sea in search of sperm whale
she scrubbed decks and cooked for the crew
the captain kept shy not appearing to show favour
though every man on board well knew
at stroke of twelve her soft soled feet flit across the boards
to tap at captains door and enter there within
there they rolled like waves of old
the crew thought the captain thin-skinned
then the whales were spotted and the killing started
the captain out front in the boats
flailing girl left standing on deck from her lover parted
is it the killing about which one gloats?
sea turned red with blood of those mighty mammals
their skin was stripped their blubber boiled
flailing girl began to think men are animals
and at heart she questioned the world
her footsteps didn't skirt the deck to captains cabin
she stayed in the hold out of the sun
the light of day a giant knife stabbing
at her water life just begun
twelfth watchman was the one to see her
as she wandered lonely about the ship
she babbled about blood and broken covenant
grabbed a bollard and took her leap into the deep
the captain was stoic and resolved
he knew better than to mourn his loss
told his men we keep hunting the whale
their souls locked to its plunging tail
never stopping to count the cost

© shaun patrick green 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I scrub my face
In search of feeling
And don’t know who I am.
I yawn like a tiger,
Fold my arms and pant
Like an polar bear.
Still there is no connection
To this visage with
So little visible history.
What if there is another me
Out there somewhere
Using the same face
To obtain recognition,
Love and happiness
While I am stuck here
In a one bedroom flat -
In a suburb full
Of one bedroom flats -
Beside a toilet
That needs cleaning,
Looking into this mirror,
Trying to remember my name?

© shaun patrick green 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

House of Cards

He was twenty years her senior
But with microphone in hand
He seemed like some ageless genius
Knew how to work a crowd
Communicated every subtle move to the band
Was seamless in his delivery
That's what years in the industry
Imparts to a man, she thought
Can it be learned? Can it be taught?
His secret was what she sought
A surly voice in her ear was what she got:
Nah, love, you 'av to live it
She moved from playing bass to rhythm
Just to be nearer
He brought her to the front
Made her the face of the rhythm section
Aspects of performance became clearer
She learned how to swing her hips
Look to him while he was vocalising
Wore makeup and sang backup
And together went socialising
Though she knew he preferred boys
She was a muso fag hag
Here there and everywhere along for the ride
She didn't care, it was the band that mattered
Everything else got shoved to the side
So how wasted can you be and still function?
It was a question he had once asked her
And she was still pilled off her head so couldn't answer
But short of waking up in a pool of vomit
She could've she would've said:
not long, love, not long...

© shaun patrick green 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Young, rich and tasteless.

Francoise thinks it rich to do a line of coke
Off the passenger seat of the limousine
Who knows whose arse has graced it
But that's just Francoise, always high on slumming it
Adrienne, his fiancé, she's the same
Laughs as she burns cigarette holes
In her Collette Dinnigan dress
Which she bought today but has decided
Is SO yesterday, burp, giggle, pass the Moet
Kent is a cunt and everybody knows it
But fun to have around when he's pissed
Because he starts reciting Shakespeare
In the accent of a cockney gangster
His partner Giselle is fatiguing and that's being kind;
She's studying economics and is boring as bat shit sober
But whinnies like a pony when she's blind
The limousine carves toward the races
With the precision of a prosecutor's brief
Which would please Francoise's father no end
He being a QC and holder of tickets to the winners circle
They bypass the lines of plebs waiting at the gates
And track down daddy by a corporate marquis arseholed already
Much salutation and back-slapping and Moet lapping
As the geldings gallop by
Unespied amidst the talking and clapping
Kent goes for the canapés touted on trays by students
Doing hospitality because their parents aren't rich enough
To support them through University
He enjoys the perversity of dropping his finger food
And watching minions scrabble around cleaning up his mess
Yes, Kent is a cunt, but a few more glasses of champagne
And he'll be channeling Macbeth through Michael Caine
Giselle has collapsed on a chair nodding fatuously
To some twat bent on a betting system guaranteed to win
Adrienne is pole dancing around the lobster platter
But it doesn't matter because Francoise has daddy's ear
On a runner in the ninth, which he says is a sure thing
So they place lavish bets and cheer the race as won
Glasses charged, cheeks flushed red, willing the dumb animals on
The tip flags at the last but never fear more champagne is here
Francoise disappears to do a line off a dunny lid
Looks at himself in the mirror and thinks maybe I'm queer
But it's OK because daddy will pay for therapy
Besides he just snorted coke off a toilet bowel -
Who knows whose arse last sat here?

© shaun patrick green 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Deal.

Brokered a deal with the devil
He said yeah sure you've earned it
By proxy you have won a major score
Yet I had no choice other than burn it
This thing too golden to flame
So I take it on as mistress, minister
And slave to all its faulty parts,
Such that simpletons will know difference
And those better informed their arts.

© shaun patrick green 2011

Visit from the Black Witch.

The witch came again last night
Scratching about in her cloak of maggots
Fingernails caked in red paint
She wanted what she always wants
And I am in the dark as to what that is
Made it through the front somehow
Then started working on the lock
I installed to keep her out
Paralysed I watched her pall
Seep under my bedroom door
Her rotten onion breath smelled of spells
Taking away my voice
So I was unable to scream for help
None would have come of course
She is the black siren of my soul
Where doubts and fears dwell
Such nightmares are a prefiguring
Of a real and living hell.

© shaun patrick green 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another Political Poem.

Perhaps there was a time when democracy
Meant something more than a free-market shake down,
When people with an eye to the future planned
In the service of the common good and their fellow man.
I hear the ideals of the Declaration of Independence
And at once know those noble thoughts are strangled.
Politics is no longer 'the art of the possible';
It is the art of making the impossible seem possible
While working to ensure the possible is mangled.
Maintaining power, no matter what the cost,
Is the focus of today's politicians,
And if this means any vision is lost
To appeal to the lowest common denominator,
Such as prejudice, fear, economic uncertainty,
Then, like the whores they are, they will do it.
To fail your constituency is acceptable
But to fail your party is a hanging crime,
The punishment being Death By Media.
If politics has become the entertainment arm of big business
Then we are watching the dreariest reality TV show of all time,
Where the participants are dull and unattractive,
Who speak in clichés and show no nous
So that in the end we don't even care
Who gets kicked out of the house.

© shaun patrick green 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Listening to the Dead.

We have no way of hearing the dead
Except in dreams where we remember
What they did and said in life
Even this may be false
Like a glitch in recollection
Our own bias played onto the tape
That makes it skew and sway
And ultimately leads to data loss.

There is no perfect record
No way of holding every thought
All the minute details that compose
Our being gone with our passing
The only trace that which we keep
Smell of fresh baked bread
Faces smiling over a dinner table
Wishing this joy were lasting.

We have no way of hearing the dead
Their fear of going beyond us
The ignominy of plaques and headstones
Biting in turn with wrath of worms
Living was all they knew
And the leaving it tears them to shreds
Roaming like disgruntled shoppers
In a mall full of graven urns.

We have no way of knowing the dead
Being not dead ourselves trapped in limbo
Seeing them as wraiths or poltergeists
They veer out in dreams like human beings
And make demands of our hands
Seeing me they mouth with no sound
And I follow them quietly into dream court
Witness for both blind angels and the seeing.

© shaun patrick green 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

valediction embracing morning

warm feet on cool
wood of stairs
golden morning breaking
waves through glass
smell of coffee
fried eggs and toast
sparrows pinging off the porch
like feathered sparks
and the way your hand
plays over my back
looking to the garden
diamond dew on grass
your touch ghosting
warmth of bed
unfinished dreams
curve of your naked arse
wishing it were like this
always and forever
as we smile and rise
to the triumph of J.S. Bach

© shaun patirck green 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Love is a cul-de-sac.

Life's boulevards and avenues all led her to you.
Now this home lies empty and there's nothing you can do
To bring her back the way the sun rises each morning -
No light here to live by in suburbia sprawling
Without end, houses laid side by side like appalling
Coffins in a graveyard theme park, a land of the dead.
You're only here because of her: its what she wanted -
Mock Victorian, three bedrooms and a big backyard,
Slate grey driveway, paving stones, white roses standing guard
Did you miss something? Was some detail wrong with the scene?
You were husband and wife, then mum and dad, king and queen...
But somehow it wasn't enough, she wanted much more
Of everything, even of you: she wasn't settling for
Peace and security. It was like she needed war.
So it all began with you. You were the enemy.
She wanted life beyond her means without alchemy.
Doomed before you started, didn't know it at the time,
She was aspirational, always the social climb
Was what mattered; bigger house, bigger better car.
One night, you found yourself looking in the huge mirror
You had installed in the ensuite and didn't recognise
Yourself, as if you were a stranger in your own eyes,
Locked in some fatal embrace with a normality
You couldn't reconcile with everyday reality.
She said the voices in your head drove you to do it,
Though they only came afterwards and she knew it.
Giving all you had to her will never bring her back:
Life is a brief one-way street, but love is a cul-de-sac.

© shaun patrick green 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Night in Istanbul.

You sat outside in the square
Eating Turkish Pizza from a café
Sun setting behind the Blue Mosque
Muezzin calling the faithful to prayer

She caught your eye two tables across
Smiled and motioned you to her side
You sat a while playing hard to get
Thinking her gain might be your loss

She had jet-black hair and dark eyes
And there was no dissuading her
She got up and walked over to you
Seated herself all smiles and thighs

She spoke English though not well
Asked where are you from
And you unthinking said Australia
Ah, she says, you know I could tell

Our two countries have relationship, yes?
She might be referring to the war,
Gallipoli, a shared history of being fucked
By colonial powers, but that's just a guess

I like Australians, she says, don't you like me?
You want to say yes but you know
She's on the take like everybody else
In this place where every tourist is a money tree

You order another beer and one for her too
Not because you're buying her hard sell
Or because you think she's going to put out
But as a tourist you don't want to appear rude

I know a bar close to here - you will come?
You think what possible harm can it do
She's lively and cute and could put you
In touch with locals who know how to have fun

Why close yourself off to experience?
Life is to be lived - at least before you die
So you say yes, letting her take your hand
Cursing those beers but hang the expense

She leads you through night streets dark and near
In a foreign city toward you don't know where
Alarm bells ringing but dully quashed as they are
By exotic perfume on the air and too much beer

Suddenly she stops by an ancient vestibule
Her arms around your neck lips on yours
Dragging you into the deepening shadows
The pull of her taste and scent irresistible

That's when they jump you - two of them at least
She steps aside, punch to your gut then the head
Rip off the coat with your wallet and phone
Kick you in the balls then sprint into the street

Lying on your back, swallowing blood
You look up at the distant stars and laugh
Knowing life is meaningless in the dark
Yet there are a billion suns burning above

© shaun patrick green 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Love Song of Sergio Leone.

I looked into your eye
Told you it cannot be this way
You spat clean against my cheek
When the moon had told you not to disobey
How did you come to this disfigurement?
A close up reveals more than words can say
These broken hills hide all manner of things
Like men without a past or a name
But women cannot hide in the West
And not a gun slung among
Can ease your widow's duress
You gilded by campfire glow
As the reason for your living slips away
Slit mouthed and split tongued
Evidence to those who done you wrong
I say vengeance will hold its sway
Curling you tight in this bittersweet night
Such that the dawn finds your enemies
Unhorsed unmanned and gun-shy
Mark my words sure as a pistol shot
Many ends will come this day
To those been living on borrowed time
To those with debts to pay.

© shaun patrick green 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

season of harvest

in the season of harvest he met her
she not yet ripe for the picking
he found his tongue would not work
in her presence and thought this
basis enough for his proposal
his father warned against betrothal
the thought of it sticking
in his old heart like a dagger
planted there by all women
though only one of their kind
had long ago done the stabbing
but love being blind they married
without his fathers approval
and were happy for a time
working the fields together by day
lying side by side at night

until the season of planting came
and he saw the light in her eyes
begin to dim noticeably
at least it was noticeable to him
he put it down to mood or whim
busy as he was getting seeds
into the ground before the rains
so days ran into weeks
she complained of exhaustion
began to move more slowly
as if in walking she were forcing
one foot in front of the other
though the doctor could find
nothing physically wrong with her

in the wet season she took to bed
for days on end without speech or
movement of any kind except for
the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest
now and then she would moan
or her eyes would roll back in her head
the doctor took her temperature and
prescribed tinctures of roots and herbs
but the medicines only made her worse
in desperation he turned to the town midwife
who some thought a witch but never refused
her services or advice in return for food
the old woman took one look at the girl
she has a gypsy soul she said and frowned
you have taken that which should be free
and rooted it to the ground

in the season of growth one morning
he found her out in the field lying
arms outstretched silent as a fallen tree
her chest did not move no breath
passed her lips her skin cold to the touch
he wept in hope his tears might seep
into the good earth bringing her back to life
but in his heart he knew he asked too much
he had sought to tame a thing born wild
nature cared not that he didn't know
it seemed to him the cruelest of truths
that indeed we reap what we sow

© shaun patrick green 2011