Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Winds Of Change.

I felt the winds of change in 1989,

When the Berlin Wall came down.

I was 19 years old and it felt like Freedom was all around.


I could feel the winds of change blowing

When John Howard announced the gun

Buy-Back scheme after

The Port Arthur Massacre.


I heard the winds of change screaming

When John Howard was defeated by

Kevin Rudd in 2007, after

11 years of conservative oblivion.


I basked in the winds of change

When Julia Guillard became our first

Female Prime Minister and schooled

Tony Abbott on misogyny.


I sailed on the winds of change

When Barrack Obama became the first

Black man to be elected president of

The United States of America.


I tasted the winds of change

When Scott Morrison lost to Albanese

And people on welfare would finally

Be allowed their dignity.


I marvelled at the winds of change

When women marched on mass

To Parliament House, calling for an end

To Domestic Violence.


I no longer feel the winds of change

Making my skin prickle,

Pushing the blood a little faster

Through my veins.


Change has been promised

Too many times and never arrived,

Leaving me unable to rebuild hope

From the rubble of what remains.


©Shaun Green 2024

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